Cavity Club
5th Turtle - Rotty Cotton Candy
Revise D - 90's Pink Rotty
Mad Hattress - Rotten to the Core
Ghost Fox Toys (Gino) - Shark and Feesh
Horrible Adorables - Tooth Fairy Yellow
Horrible Adorables - Tooth Fairy Blue
Priscilla Marquez - Krang Cavity
Klav - Rotty Death Club
Kyle Kirwan - Bonetooth
The harshmallows - Toasty Rotty
Kendra Thomas - Sweet Tooth
Coven of Cuteness - Toof Fairy
Vanessa Ramirez - Moe
Rick Strohmeyer - Fever Dream Rotty
Muppytoy - Scooter Infested Rotty
Lostncreative - Wisdom Tooth
The Lostlings - Wood Rotty & Earl
Flavia - Fabulous Cavity
Doompy - Doompicorn Rotty
Dingy Dave - The Extractor
D3db0y - Sundae, Rotty Sundae
Chrisopher Luke - Peppermint Nightmare
The Bots - The Dark Side of the Moon
Zard Apuya - Horror Hot Honey Toast
Sad Salesman - Doofy Toofy
Ghost Fox Toys (Michelle) - Dental of the Dead
Fatdads Toys - It's not safe to swim rotty
One-Eyed Girl - Tooth Fairy
Mr. Mento - Barbecue Rotty
Lally - Fellin' Gunky
Horrible Adorables - Tooth Fairy Pink